Enjoy a summer beach day without compromising your skin health. Learn essential skincare tips, from applying SPF 50+ sunscreen to hydrating your skin and soothing it post-sun. Discover how to protect your skin with physical barriers, antioxidants, and smart exfoliation for a radiant, sun-safe glow all summer long.
Apply sunscreen liberally – at least a teaspoon for each limb, a teaspoon for the front and a teaspoon of the back of the body, and a teaspoon for the face, neck and ears. A full application for an average sized adult should be 35ml, or seven teaspoons. Most people don’t apply enough sunscreen resulting … Read more
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the invisible killer that you can’t see or feel. UV radiation can be high even on cool and overcast days. This means you can’t rely on clear skies or high temperatures to determine when you need to protect yourself from the sun. The SunSmart UV Index is reported daily by the … Read more
For best protection, we recommend a combination of sun protection measures: Slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible. Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ (or higher) sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you … Read more
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australia. Skin cancer is a disease of the body’s skin cells caused mainly by cumulative exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun. Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells are aggressive (grow and divide without respect to normal limits), invasive (invade and destroy adjacent tissues), and … Read more
Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Anyone can be at risk of developing skin cancer, though the risk increases as you get older. The majority of skin cancers in Australia are caused by exposure to UV radiation in sunlight. Sunburn Sunburn causes 95% of melanomas, the most deadly … Read more